Monday, May 24, 2010

Week Three Discussion 1

Deniela Collington Topic 1 says:

I haven’t really pioneered anything at my high school. I like to try things and then perfect them before telling anyone about them. I guess that is why I am looking to be bigger voice within my department with the presentation part of our assignment for this class. I can say that I did have my students write proposals for and plan a media project to demonstrate their grasp of The Crucible. They did an awesome job! I even had a spoof of a Jerry Springer Show.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the same boat as you are when it comes to pioneering. I also like to test it out and perfect it on my own before spreading the news. I think it's funny how most teachers (including myself) have no problem speaking in front of a room full of kids, but get a little tense when it comes to speaking in front of colleagues. This program has definitely helped in providing the tools to gain confidence in front of peers!
