Saturday, May 8, 2010

Week One Post-The Art of Possibility- The WOW factor for me

When reading the chapters for this week, there were a few quotes that just resonated within me. One quote I'd like to point out is when Zander (2000) says, "Our small business attracts the label, "The Can-Do Company," and that is exactly who we are. We speak with the awareness that language creates categories of meaning that open up new worlds to explore." When I read this passage I immediately thought of a scripture in the Bible, Romans 4:17 that talks about speaking things that aren't as though they are, as well as Proverbs 18:21 that says, " The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." I realized within that instant that we sometimes create situations for ourselves, whether they be positive or negative, just because of the words that come out of our mouths and our mindsets. The language we use creates meaning!

With that being said, maybe if more people just took the time to look at things from a more positive perspective, maybe people would be more pleasant, happier and more successful. I can apply the same principle to my studies at Full Sail. If I look at all the work that is left to do and say that it is too much and that I can't do it all, or I won't do well then, that is what will happen. Sometimes, we constrain ourselves in our minds because we can't see beyond the present. So here's to having positive outlooks in everything! If I am going to be in charge of "creating meaning" for myself, I certainly want the outcomes to be positive ones.

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