Sunday, May 16, 2010

I want a iPAD!

So ever since I've started this Masters program, I have become addicted to anything media related. I already have a"crackberry" that is surgically attached, although I forget to keep it charged. Hey I can't remember everything. I LOVE my Macbook. To think that before Full Sail, I had no idea what this magical machine could do. Nor did I know how much it would revolutionize my practice as an educator. So now I think that I would like to move on up to an Android phone...I'd like the new iPhone that was leaked, but I am with Verizon. However I am sure that a few of my students could hack it if I had one. It is amazing what students left up to their own devices can do.

However, the ultimate gift would be an iPAD. I just want one. Can you imagine how many cool points I'd instantly get from my students and how I could use in in the classroom? Alas, I am just a teacher and everyone knows that teachers don't make that much compared to everyone else. With the budget cuts and all and the fact that I will not be getting a raise next year makes the iPad seem somewhat out of my league for now. But if Apple or anyone would like to give me one, I will certainly take one off your hands!

The ipad image was found on the internet via Google images at:


  1. I too have become more and more obsessed with technology as the months have passed. My students are also enamored with the macbook I have at work (coincidentally, almost the same as the one we have for this program, but with a slower processing speed) and are always excited to have the chance to work with it. My colleagues at work also just received a grant in April to get 1:1 laptops and chose to use Macs. The kids are excited, but the teachers are not yet understanding the educational benefits of using Macs over PCs. I've tried to show them some ideas, but right now they are too overwhelmed. I hope they come around so that they'll understand what we already know!

  2. P.S. - Those fish are mesmerizing.

  3. @ Liz,
    Yes! It seems that some teachers only what to do what they have always done. They are old dogs who have no desire to learn new tricks! I say that if you don't want to continue to learn as en educator, you should find something else to do and stop killing the students' brain cells. Would you believe that I actually heard a colleague of mine say that what was good for her as a student should be good for current students. "We didn't have Promethean Boards and stuff and we turnred out fine." I was like OMG!!!
