Thursday, June 10, 2010

I did it!

I submitted a proposal to present at the SC ED Tech Conference in October. Fingers are crossed now.

Monday, May 31, 2010

AR Post Week Four--I've got it!

So I really think that I should present my AR project to my colleagues at Woodmont High School. I will start with the English Department as they will show no mercy in critiquing, and I can get constructive feedback from them before I move on up to the faculty. Each month at the faculty meeting, there is a curriculum spotlight. I have realized from taking this course that I really need to start getting my face and more importantly, ideas out there. There is one thing I'd like to do though before presenting... I'd like to get my fictitious company copyrighted. If anyone can point me in the right direction, please do! After presenting at my school, I'd like to move up to the district level and present at one of our summer technology conferences. The deadline for this year has already passed, but I could possibly get on the docket for next year.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Week 4 Discussion Board My Dream Job Post 2

What keeps me from my dream job? Well, probably a couple of things. First and foremost, sometimes I am afraid to put myself out there. I’m not one who likes to call attention to myself. Which, is kind of weird for me because I am not at all shy. Next, to find my dream job, I am sure that I would have to relocate. We are not ready to move in this economic climate. Plus, my husband would need to find a job wherever we go as well. However, I plan to start actively searching once this program is completed.

Week 4 Discussion Board My Dream Job!

Deniela Collington Topic 1 says:

My dream job would be to be a technology coordinator on the district level and teach other educators how to incorporate the latest technology in their classrooms. I have seriously thought about applying to work for Promethean.

I like your school hours and the idea of no standardized testing!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Week Three Discussion 2

Why Are Teachers Resistant to Change and Technology?

There are so many things I could say for this board. Perhaps the main reason is that some teachers just don’t want to take the time to learn anything new because some of them swear that they know it all already. Another factor could be that teachers are so bogged down in the bureaucracy of education that they feel like they just don’t have the time to do anything else. I echo Jolyn's sentiments!

Week Three Discussion 1

Deniela Collington Topic 1 says:

I haven’t really pioneered anything at my high school. I like to try things and then perfect them before telling anyone about them. I guess that is why I am looking to be bigger voice within my department with the presentation part of our assignment for this class. I can say that I did have my students write proposals for and plan a media project to demonstrate their grasp of The Crucible. They did an awesome job! I even had a spoof of a Jerry Springer Show.

Response to Quentin Cleaves Post Week 3

My wife is 7 months pregnant with our third child She isbeginning to wobble around the house now and complaining about her back. We are having another girl, and this makes three in a row. I have finally struck out. I was really hoping for a boy this time to carry on his daddy’s name. I guess now, I will be at ballets and dance performances instead of football and basketball games.

Friday, May 21, 2010

2 Comments Manage Comments for this Entry
Congratulations. But don't assume what your precious little one will aspire to. Our own Dr. Sue Bedard loves football and basketball and would not care one wit about ballet or such things. So, enjoy the discovery. :-)
Monday, May 24, 2010 - 11:41 AM
Deniela Collington
Congratulations Quentin!
That is wonderful. My daughter will be two in December and my husband is already dropping not- so-subtle hints about wanting a little boy. I didn't understand it at first. However, I guess I can appreciate dressing up my little princess and think that my husband wants to know what it would be like to have a carbon copy of himself to carry on the family name. Never fear, your daughter may surprise you. I was a tomboy climbing trees, playing football, and beating up my dad's friends' little boys until my mother intervened. I always felt that boys' toys were so much more fun. Maybe one day, you will want to try for number 4! Congrats again and God Bless.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010 - 12:10 AM